Monday, September 15, 2008

Ode' to My sister

I don't think I can fully capture in words what an amazing sister I have. I kept thinking to myself this weekend ... "who needs a husband". NO ONE would have nailed it in meeting my needs better, even my ex spouse. I'm telling you there was never a better advocate than Rayanne McCall Falco. From the moment I found out I was in this difficult position she has been there for me. Holding my hand, helping me cope, drying tears. I think at times I found myself looking at her wondering if she was more appropriately labeled my mom as oppose to my sister.
These last nine months, she as been an amazing stand in with Tyler when I couldn't lift him, or just got totally overhwelmed. Rayanne played grocery shopper, Moving/Packing Lady (I'm pretty sure she packed my entire kitchen by herself), Uhaul Driver, Comedian, Counselor, Laundry Lady, House Cleaner, Pillow Mate (on those first nights when sleeping alone was unbearable), Back/Foot Massager, Defender (I will NEVER forget my clean mouth sister charging into my house the night my world changed, challenging the past head of my household with a "WHAT THE F***", I don't think she has ever hit someone, but the blood boiling in her face proved that would have been the situation that turned her into a "fighter", I've never felt more safe, or more proud). She's helped me clip coupons, and bargain shop, Threw the Best Baby Shower EVERY, and then there is this weekend ....

Most of my family will agree that a stop at Dunkin Doughnuts on the way to the Hospital is VERY appropriate for me. My sister took me to the perfect breakfast stop and we had Chocolate Kreme Filled Perfection (I'm sure my doctor paid dearly for that consumption when it came time to push, but OH WELL!). Arrived at the hospital right on time 7:00 am with about eighty bags in tow (all of which RAYANNE had to lug into L and D! Don't put two women in one room for 60 hours and not expect at least three bags each! After we settled into the room Rayanne delivered the first of many "pushing presents" ... as if having her there wasn't already the biggest gift EVER I got tons of fun stuff, cute pants (which I STILL haven't taken off), Chapstick (it was funny ... It went something like this Me: "Dang I forgot my chapstick" Rayanne: "Lets see what we can do about that!" and pulled some out of a gift bag... What a girl!), EVERY gossip magazine, delicious Linen Spray, Hand Soap which we used all weekend (it smells DEVINE), body wash, new panties, and the CUTEST wreath for the hospital (we had compliments on it all weekend long). After we opened presents :) The Nurse applied Prostin to my cervix at 8:00 am and we walked for about two hours. I think Rayanne led me to every gift shop in the hospital pushing my iv pole and cheering me on! After starting at a 2-2 1/2 cm dialation when we arrived, the Prostin got me to about a 3 1/2 before they introduced Pitocin at 10:30 am. With Pitocin started, I was confined to bed. We put in "First Wives Club" (very appropriate I thought :) ) Pitocin started and by about 11:30 I was Ready for an epidural. Contractions were coming quickly and crazy, Rayanne was RIGHT there rubbing my feet, counting contractions, explaining everything, and asking all the right questions when my mind went blank. Epidural came at about 12:00 (I think?) and then it was quite a roller coaster from there. I stalled at 5 cm for about 8 hours and for a while we were nervous we would head to a C section. But somehow Parker's big head made its way down and We were go for delivery at about 9:00 pm. We had to hang out for a little while, waiting on set up and the Dr to get ready. After one practice push and a big pep talk from my Dr and my sister ... I was good to go. Started pushing at 9:32 pm (Rayanne was AMAAZING, as all my support team was, but she was especially awesome. I think she wowed even the nurses with her counting, getting me to push THREE counts of 10 with every contraction). And at 9:44 pm Parker was born, Rayanne cut the cord and followed Parker standing on her tip toes to give me thumbs up from the corner and catching my eye with updates and big smiles. Even as she was holding PAC's hand and getting all the updates with him, she kept peeking over to make sure I was good. We didn't get in a room until 12:00 and We were BOTH exhausted. Thankfully Parker was an angel that first night, but we still only got two shifts of 2 hours each of sleep. LONG NIGHT :) Rayanne hung out with me all day through a stressful Hearing test (which Parker eventually passed) ... horrible hospital food, Foot Fungus showers :), Industrial Toilet flushing ( I think I went pee at least five times in the middle of the second night ... sorry about that Ray ... that Toilet was LOUD!). She was such an amazing partner in crime, helping me change Parker (getting him cute for his pictures), loving on Parker, Driving us home (slowly and minimizing the bumps :) ), and stayed with us ALL day yesterday and all night, cooking dinner for us, and even running 2 loads of laundry. I can only IMAGINE how tired she is!!!
So this is to my sister, my heart, my rock. Thank you for everything this weekend. For being the most incredible part of my life. For always staying so involved! I am so incredibly blessed to have you in my life.
Here are a few pics from this weekend and Rayanne's amazingness ...

Spending some quality time with Tyler before Parker's Arrival

Breakfast stop

Pushing Presents :)

The Sisters

Right by my side!


(sorry if thats a little TMI, but Just wanted you to see my rockin sister litterally in action!)


The Falco Family said...
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The Falco Family said...

What an amazing weekend this has been. I have been so blessed to share it with you. Your strength not only during delivery but the past nine months has truely amazed me. I knew you could get the baby out =)
Thank you for letting me share every moment of this adventure. Thank you for making me an aunt again....I love you so much!!
I cant believe I got a whole blog to me....

Mrs. Cindy Hull said...

Dang it, quick making me cry every time I read your blog! I know of no other bond like a sister bond. Some day even the two of you might be initiated into the "Ya-Yas". You make us Ya-Yas proud!